Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. The choice to seek marital dissolution can be a…
Lawyer and Legal Consultant
Lawyer and Legal Consultant
Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. The choice to seek marital dissolution can be a…
When it comes to the cost of divorce, there are two main factors to take into account, which are the court fees and the legal…
Are you looking for a divorce lawyer and looking to understand more about divorce law Indonesia? Before you pick up your phone, here are 3…
If you are under investigation or have been charged with a crime in Indonesia, you need expert advice you can trust. Here at A&A Law…
Insolvensi dapat kita temukan dalam Penjelasan Pasal 57 ayat (1) UU KPKPU yang berbunyi: Yang dimaksud dengan “insolvensi” adalah keadaan tidak mampu membayar. Sedangkan, sebagaimana pernah…
A&A Law Office adalah kantor pengacara yang telah banyak membantu klien dalam mengajukan permohonan sita jaminan atas aset yang sedang disengketakan. Permohonan sita jaminan…
Hak kebendaan adalah hak yang memberikan kekuasaan langsung atas suatu benda dan terhadap siapapun. Setiap orang harus menghormati hak tersebut.(Menurut Abdulkadir Muhammad dalam bukunya Hukum Perdata Indonesia hal. 136) …